Purpura trombocitopenica idiopatica pdf caso clinico

We studied their clinical manifestations, type of diagnosis, as well as medical andor surgical treatment. Purpura trombocitopenica autoinmune caso clinico y. Grading of hemorrhage in children with idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura. Purpura results from the extravasation of blood cells into the skin andor mucous membranes giving rise to small purple coloured areas that do not disappear under pressure. Tratamiento con inmunoglobulina endovenosa igg iv el empleo de igg iv debe indicarse en pacientes con pti aguda con hemorragias graves. The statiscal analysis was made using descriptive measures. Esta enfermedad afecta a varones y a mujeres por igual.

Immune or idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura itp in childhood. The etiopathogenic mechanisms may result from abnormalities in any of the three components of hemostasis. Immune thrombocytopenic purpura in adults is chronic, the woman are affected twice than man. Caso clinico purpura trombocitopenica cronica sistema.

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